
Vegatable and Poultry Farming

At PLCC, agriculture plays a vital role in sustaining the center and fulfilling its mission. Through vegetable farming, including crops like cabbage, kales, onions, and tomatoes, as well as poultry farming, they cultivate a diverse range of fresh produce on their Ongata Rongai plot. This self-sufficient approach ensures a steady supply of nutritious food for the center’s needs.

In addition to crops, PLCC also rears goats and chickens, providing a steady source of eggs and other benefits for the center. The agricultural activities not only address the nutritional requirements of the children but also create opportunities for learning and skill development. The children can actively participate in farming, gaining valuable knowledge about sustainable agriculture, animal husbandry, and food production.

Moreover, agriculture offers financial stability to the center by reducing dependency on external sources for food procurement. The surplus produce and eggs can be sold or used in the guest house and conference hall, generating additional income to support other initiatives and projects.